Freddy Silva has appeared on TV and radio for over a decade. Here are his more recent interviews.
Freddy Silva with Regina Meredith on Open Minds. Speaking on material from his book The Lost Art of Resurrection.
Webcast presented by Great Mystery.
Watch preview of interview with Gaiam TV. Full interview is on-demand, worldwide, and comes with a free 10-day subscription offer.
Watch preview of interview with Gaiam TV. Full interview is on-demand, and comes with a free 10-day subscription offer
A conversation with Freddy Silva about his book First Templar Nation, in which he describes how the Knights Templar created the first nation-state in Europe with the expressed mission of being a “kingdom of conscience accountable only to God.”
Two interviews on the truth behind living resurrection and how it once formed the basis of inittiation in ancient societies. It will completely change the narrative you have been told. Part I. Part II.
Conscious Evolution Radio interview on crop circles, sacred sites and consciousness.
2-hour interview on The Paranormal View on the topic of sacred sites, their origins, and how they affect the human body. November 2013
Interview on the importance of sacred sites. The Awakening Zone
On Coast To Coast with George Noory. It was 3am when I came on, and clearly my brain just wants to go to sleep, but it was fun and full of good information on the origins of ancient temples and sacred sites. The link will take you to YouTube, so don't forget to return...
This fun interview with Kerrigan was even more enjoyable once we discovered we're both born in Portugal. The link will take you to YouTube, so don't forget to return....
An interview with UFO Encounters on the topic of crop circles.