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Energetic Doorways To Mystical
Experiences Between Worlds

A portal is a point of possibility, a step into a thousand journeys.

Join leading researcher Freddy Silva as he takes you on a magical tour around the world to places on the land where the laws of physics behave differently and the perception of overlapping realities is both apparent and immediate.

Experience Cadair Idris in Wales, Tintagel in England, the west coast of Scotland, Kura Tawhiti in New Zealand, Tsé Bit’a’í in New Mexico, the plateau of Giza, and power places high in the Andes.

Learn the meaning and origins of the green man, serpents, dragons, and the Shining Ones, and identify the markers for the earth’s telluric currents to find your own places of power.

The experience of two worlds makes you present in both but bound to neither. Step out of the cocoon and dabble in a parallel reality as Freddy Silva and our sacred storytellers share their mystical interactions with portals, including those of:
○ a writer led by a mysterious hum in the Wudang Mountains
○ a woman who was changed by her experience at Skellig Michael
○a mother who connected with mothers both past and future at Bandelier
○ a traveler who experienced a tear in the fabric of time at Machu Picchu
○ a woman who bore witness to the living Spirit at Newgrange

Enhance your personal mystical experiences as Freddy shares how to interact directly with portals. Understand how to properly approach a portal and the importance of your expectations, timing, respect, and sympathetic resonance. Utilize this knowledge to access these powerful energetic doorways between worlds.

PORTALS is your opening in space and time to multiple levels of reality.

"Freddy Silva does a brilliant job of taking us into the mysterious world of portals and breaking down how these powerful energy centers interact with our bodies and consciousness, enhancing our awareness and connection to Self and the infinite."
Regina Meredith, award-winning documentarian and host of Gaia TV's Open Minds

"Brimming with personal experiences, Portals is a fascinating exploration of these enigmatic doorways. Traversing the globe, scouring folklore and historical record alike, Freddy leaves no rock unturned in his search for answers. A highly readable guide from one of our most gifted and eloquent researchers!"
—Stephen Gawtry, Managing Editor, Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine

From the author—

Portals is my contribution to the very popular Common Sentience series, and marks a departure from my usual tomes. For starters, it features many of my personal experiences in sacred sites, something I've tried to steer clear of for two reasons: one, sacred space is not about me, it's about sacred space; and two, I thought people would not be interested in my personal experiences. Turns out I was wrong on the latter. So this is about as personal a work as I'll ever write.

It is also different in terms of structure: part one deals with the mechanics of portals and other energy hotspots, how to identify them, and what makes them tick. Part two features contributions from independent people who describe their interactions with sacred places (and none of them knew the contents of the book beforehand). And in part three I discuss the practical aspects of portals, how to engage with them, and how to get the most of out of your interaction. Again, all derived from three decades of personal experience.

And for long-time followers of my work, Portals marks a radical departure in that there are no images nor hundreds of references. This is intended to be a more, dare I say, easy-on-the-mind book. Still, I trust you will find it as refreshing to read as it was for me to write. 

Paperback. 214 pages

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If you enjoy the book, I invite you to take part in Portals: The Bridge Between Material and Magic, a four-part course offering both a context and visual support to the book.  

We'll explore the subtle energy landscape, discover the places where the laws of physics behave differently, and experience how these powerful energy centers, or spots of the fawn as the Hopi call them, interact with your body, enhancing your awareness and connection to Self and the infinite.

This course includes:
• A 7-step process so you can properly prepare and interact with portals. In audio and print.
• pdf copy of the book.
• Riveting and little-known historical facts about these hotspots.
• Symbolism and esoteric knowledge of portals.
• Spiritual wisdom explained. Yes, you will understand what you have always felt!
• Separate print transcripts of all videos for your reading pleasure.
• and much more, including Module 1 for free..

Full details here

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