Ancient mysteries and alternative history by bestselling author Freddy Silva

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Waitaha Tradition and the Egyptian-Andean Connection

A live, groundbreaking presentation in Christchurch, NZ, by best-selling author Freddy Silva, showcasing the traditions of the Waitaha, which date back over 10,000 years to a time when they lived on Easter Island before the end of the ice age.

They describe interactions with red-haired seafaring gods named Urukehu, whose actions and accomplishments connect them with Viracocha in the Andes and the Followers of Horus in Egypt, at a stroke linking a number of far-flung mythologies.

This latest evidence also reveals the Birthplace of the Gods — the landscape temple of the Urukehu in New Zealand which marks the same date as Gobekli Tepe and the Giza pyramids — while the Waitaha narrative reveals an ancient Armenian origin. The evidence challenges the established perception of world history and what exactly was taking place around the Pacific in remote times, but more to the point, it overturns the misperception that Maori were the first people to populate New Zealand.

Watch it on Vimeo.

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