Yoganumi, now below sea level. But in 10,000 BC it would have been on dry land.
The Golden Age of the gods.
Had we been given the choice of incarnating in a period such as 16,000 B.C. the world would have looked a lot different than it does today. This was the time of the last glacial maximum, when more of the Earth’s landmass was exposed. During this period Australia and New Guinea formed a massive continent; the British Isles were joined to each other and to Europe; the Black Sea, the North Sea and the Persian Gulf were dry land; the Mediterranean was a lake, and the Indonesian archipelago and Asia were one.
Southern India was also much more vast and incorporated Sri Lanka, which is now an island. Together they comprised the kingdom of Kumari Kandam, ‘the Land of the Virgin’ – an interesting correspondence to the name given to ancient Egypt, Ta-Mery, ‘the place of Mary’. As with Heliopolis and Tiwanaku, Kumari Kandam is described in the Tamil texts as a high civilization, part of a Golden Age, where the pursuit of knowledge was held in the highest esteem and cities of knowledge were created by men of great stature, both physically and mentally, who possessed exquisite skills in temple-building and sacred knowledge that compared them to gods.
Tamil traditions describe this age as a time when “kingship was lowered from heaven” at the sacred hill of Arunachala, whereupon it became a repository of a creator god’s power and knowledge.
Arunachala lies in the land of the Dravidians, which is at least 10,000 years old, the origin of today’s Tamil culture. The hill is mentioned in the oldest Tamil sacred literature, the Tolkappiyam, which itself refers to an even older work that was based on a library of archaic texts said to have been compiled more than 10,000 years earlier. We are therefore talking about an extremely old scripture spanning unimaginable eons of time, much like the oral traditions of the Aborigines.
The theme is repeated in Central America. Of all the interesting things about the Mayan corpus named Popul Vuh, two items in particular stand out. First, its depiction of life during a Golden Age before a catastrophic global flood swept the Earth sounds remarkably like most gnostic texts compiled by other civilizations with whom the Maya supposedly had never interacted. Second, it describes how the “First Men” possessed clairvoyant ability: “Endowed with intelligence, they saw and instantly they could see far; they succeeded in seeing, they succeeded in knowing all that there is in the world. The things hidden in the distance they saw without first having to move… they were formidable men.”
The flood and end of the golden age.
Certainly makes one yearn for those times. But all good things come to an end. The Tamil Puranas state that there came a great pouring of the waters that submerged vast tracts of land, including the ancient academies, beneath gigantic waves. In fact there are at least twelve identical worldwide legends of great lands swallowed by rapidly encroaching oceans, and with them, the folding of the Golden Age of the gods.
Such written accounts are hardly the product of a fertile imagination. Off the coast of India there have been found no less than five sites of pre-diluvial cities, such as the former Mahabalipuram (‘The city of the giant Bali’), along with the Temple of the Seven Pagodas whose golden tips are seen by fishermen during a calm sea. On the northwestern coast of India, out across the bay from the present city of Dwarka lies the original city of Kushasthali and its temple presided by Krishna, now submerged beneath fifty feet of muddy ocean.
To the southwest of India lie submerged staircases in what are now the Maldive Islands, while in the Micronesian island of Pohnpei (‘upon a stone altar’), one hundred artificial islands comprise the pentagonal temple of Nan Madol (‘reef of heaven’). Within it sits the basalt temple of Nan Dowas and its central pyramid, wherein megalithic foundation stones are said to have been erected by two antediluvian gods who came by boat from a sinking land to the west, and “by their magic spells, one by one, the great masses of stone flew through the air like birds, settling down into their appointed place.” Traditionally called Sounhleng (‘reef of heaven’) it’s built as a mirror image of its sunken counterpart Kahnimweiso Namkhet (‘city of the Horizon’). Indeed, undersea ruins of two cities have been discovered here, lying at great depths and complete with standing columns on pedestals rising to 24 feet.
Off the Japanese island of Yoganumi lies an entire citadel complete with deliberately cut and purposefully angled platforms and columns. It too now lies beneath 80 feet of ocean water following a catastrophic rise in sea level.
So, what does science have to say about this event so unanimously experienced around the world?
There are 175 global flood myths sharing near-identical descriptions, and mostly in cultures that allegedly had no contact with one another. Professor of Geology Alexander Tollman compared several flood myths in which the Earth was described as hit by “seven burning suns” before being overwhelmed by floods. He compared these with geological anomalies of molten rock thrown up by impact sites and proved that around 10,000 B.C. the Earth was indeed hit by seven comet fragments whose impact generated an increase in radioactive Carbon-14, which has been found in fossilized trees dating to that period.
Another impressive study into terrestrial comet impacts concluded that “the environmental data in the flood myths fit remarkably well with the modeling for a large, oceanic comet impact, above the threshold for global catastrophe at or greater than 100 gigatons.” The geologic and atmospheric report of the impacts pretty much synchronizes with the description of conditions in myths: six or seven days of intense rain and hurricane-force winds, generated and sustained by the air pressure blast wave and the impact plume, not to mention the thick, muddy rain filled with submicron debris generated by the impact itself. The Maya described it as “heavy resin fell from the sky… a black rain began to fall by day and by night.” There is certainly evidence that both animal and human survivors found shelter on tops of mountains as high as 1,430 feet, only to be overwhelmed by advancing water. On the peaks of mountains in France lie the splintered bones of humans violently mixed with that of mammoth, reindeer, carnivores and birds that became extinct shortly thereafter. Whale skeletons and Ice Age marine life can even be found 600 feet above sea level – inland in Vermont!
If a comet or fragments of one collided with the Earth and generated this kind of unparalleled destruction, the soot and particle debris from the event – which according to world legends seems to have blanketed the entire globe – would be sealed in the geologic record as sediment in ice. In 2008 a team of Danish geologists conducting an extensive examination of ice cores in Greenland secured the precise date of the event to 9703 B.C. Startled by the layer of soot in the ice, they remarked that “the climate shift was so sudden that it is as if a button was pressed.
Continue to part III
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